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Pizda matii

Urban Dictionary: Pizdec

-E inchis in pizda matii!!!..AUU iar ma musca se.Baba nu auzi felicitarea pe care i am trimis o dupa chipul ei senil..dar ceva se schimba la fata babei..parca ochii se mareau..o vad cum se stramba si o taie urgent din fata balconului ,,ce dracu are.

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pizda matii
List of profanities in the Romanian language. The following is a list of words and formulations commonly used as profanity throughout Romania. Pulă and pizdă. The word pulă can be translated into English as dick, cock, or prick and is a vulgar way of referring to the penis. It is most commonly used in expressions such as "în pula mea", which literally translates as in my cock, but has a

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It means mothers vagina in Romanian. Usually used as "Fuck you".

Mai Radu te bag in Pizda ma-tii ! Remix - YouTube

pizda matii
Russian for vagina, cunt, pussy. Can also mean ass in expressions like dat pizdy and poluchit pizdy "to kick (someones) ass".

Urban Dictionary: pizdets

Contextual translation of "pizda mati" into English. Human translations with examples: fucker, pistamati, mat pisda, mati pussy, lingi pida, dao mai incet, Îmi sugi pula. pizda matii. English. mati pussy. da esti choir in pizda ma tii. English.

Te bag în pizda matii - YouTube

1. Describes a kaput situation, one at which fubar is nothing compared to how the situation really is. Can also describe situations of otter stupidity expressed by someone, as well as an obviously bad mental state. 2. Derived from the russian word "pizda", which means the female reproductive organ (i.e. "pussy"), this word can refer to a really big and/or good one.

Pizda mati in English with contextual examples - MyMemory

pizda matii
Russian for vagina, cunt, pussy. Can also mean ass in expressions like dat pizdy and poluchit pizdy "to kick (someones) ass".

Urban Dictionary: pizda

La Metrou in Pizda Matii, Bucharest, Romania. 36 likes. Local Business

Te iubesc in pizda ma-tii - Photos | Facebook

"În combinaţie cu alte substantive care desemnează gradele de rudenie, posesivul este frecvent folosit conjunct: maică-sa, mă-sa; taică-su, tac-su, tat-su; soră-sa, sor-sa; frate-su, frat-su. Posesivele conjuncte modifică uneori forma substantivului, alteori suferă ele însele modificări fonetice. Comportamentul flexionar al acestor forme variază: (i) doar posesivul flexionează

Urban Dictionary: Pizda matii

Contextual translation of "pizda mati" from Romanian into Italian. Examples translated by humans: mati, blyat, pizda moti, mati track, then morning, questa mattina.

Carlas Dreams - Da-te-n Chizda Ma-tii | Official Audio

The word "pizdetz" (пиздец) is attributed to "Russian mat", a sort of Russian slang which is based on sexual content an is commonly banned from official use as well as considered inappropriate for use in conversation by general rules of conduct. The Administrative Code of Russian Federation even sets a fine for public use of „mat”, though this sanction is purely formal and its use is

Lil Gherman - Viata de care noi nu stim (pizda - YouTube

A swear word in Russian when something bad happens. From "pizda" (vagina). Literally translated as "fucked up".

Urban Dictionary: pizdetz

Pizda Ma-tii Photography. 1.2K likes. O pagina obscura pentru DSLR-istul din tine! Pe principiul ai Lightroom esti artist va prezint: Pizda Ma-tii Photography.
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